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Welcome to my Speed Shop!!! With All of the great setups that are available for download out there on the net. I found myself in the delema of being too fast to race against the AI. The Second delema was that I hate that Kinser Snorkel. So I played around with the car parameters files, and took the parameters folder from the sprintcar mopar, and placed it into the Humgardner chassis. Miracuosly, when I loaded the game I had an 820 hp car without the Kinser Snorkel. Now with an 820 hp car with the flat hood, I wanted more. I then put the para file out of the Ferkel into the Humgarder. I came up with a 765 hp car. I have had reports that both of these cars are faster than their Mopar counterparts, and I have been too busy to test this theory myself. I do know that downloaded setups still work for them, and the car seems to stick to the track in the same ways as the original chassis. As I said I hate the Sinser Snorkel, so, I created the car, and thanks to Travis Senter, I can now offer you the NDT chassis without the snorkel and with a flat hood. The way that it was supposed to look.
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