I love a good racing picture,
and some of my screenshots, although they aren't real,
have turned out really nice. And some of them,
if you look at them have an oil painting quality to
the pic, which to me makes them a work of art.
What is really funny is that
some of them look so real. This past fall, I went
to the Hoosier/Hulman 100 with two goals in mine. #1
get this years Jack Hewitt T shirt. (got to have your
priorities....lol). #2 Ihad taken some great screenshots
of my Hewit 21 LM skin, and had printed them up on photo
paper, and I wanted to get Jack to autograph them.
Well after the race, (and
his 3rd place finish) I got to see him in the
pits, and I pulled out the pic from the game, and handed
it to him. Jack said "boy pulling out some
ol pictures now aren't you."
I said nope, took that last
week when we won the feature. Thats a pic from
my computer game. I painted up a car to be like
yours from the Falls Picture.
He then said "Boy that's

SO enjoy the picture galleries,
and if you have any great screen shots email them to
me, and I'll try and post them. (please try and
have the telemetry editied out of the picture.)